Caleb + Pilar engagement session Los Angeles California

This was the perfect summer day for Caleb and Pilar engagement session in LA Downtown.  The urban session is a great reflection of their everyday routine.  These two are so sweet together. Congratulations on your engagement! 

Alexander + Kathleen Session In Washington DC

I am so behind on the blog, so I will be brief… That was a wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon. A super fun engagement session with Alexander and Kathleen at the Washington DC Mall.

 P.S. Their wedding session is already on my blog.


Graham + Barbara fun and energetic engagement session in Washington DC

I really enjoyed being a part of Barbara and Graham’s engagement session in Washington, DC. Their new apartment in town, with the company of their charismatic puppy Scobey, created a casual atmosphere in which the couple felt comfortable and relaxed. Congratulations, guys!